2009年9月28日 星期一

Uvular trill

The uvular trill is a type of consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ʀ, a small capital R. Within Europe, the uvular trill seems to have originated in French, from where it spread to modern Standard German, most German dialects, some Dutch dialects, some northern Italian dialects, and the southern dialects of Swedish and Norwegian.

在這些語言的主要使用區域,濁小舌擦音成為小舌顫音的音位變體. 小舌顫音也在其它語言出現,尤其是患有語言障礙的人在無法或很難發出原來語種中標準的齒齦顫音.

少數語言使用不止一個顫音。例如,說奧克語的長者會區分齒齦和小舌顫音,如/ɡari/ 已治癒 和 /ɡaʀi/ 橡樹。


Bilabial trill

The bilabial trill is a type of consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ʙ.

In many of the languages where the bilabial trill occurs, it occurs only as part of a prenasalised bilabial stop with trilled release, [mbʙ]. This developed historically from a prenasalized stop before a relatively high back vowel, such as [mbu]. In such instances, these sounds are usually still limited to the environment of a following [u].

(只有少數語言將此音視為獨立音素。在絕大部分情況,它只是作為前鼻化雙唇塞音的顫動除阻,讀音是 [mbʙ]。在歷史上,這是由較高的後元音緊接前鼻化輔音演變出來,例如[mbu]。這讀音僅出現在數種語言,而且往往限于這類情況才出現。例子有在馬努斯島東邊使用的Kele語中的[mbʙuen]「它的果實」。)

